I’m the owner and operator of Pronghorn Productions, a full-service nature and wildlife company. My primary pursuit is collecting and selling stock footage, most of which is on my website HDNatureFootage I also write and publish books about wildlife.
My Wildlife Footage
About Me
After receiving a M.S. degree in Wildlife Sciences I worked 30 years as a wildlife biologist, primarily with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service. During that time I conducted numerous wildlife studies and published scores of scientific papers (see bottom of this page) and wrote or co-edited several books.
I also started my own nature and wildlife production company Pronghorn Productions. Now retired from the federal government, I work full time collecting nature and wildlife stock footage from around the world, which I sell primarily thru HDNatureFootage.net. A few short demo videos are shown below with a larger collection at WildlifeFootage.net.
If you need nature and wildlife stock footage, or an author or researcher on wildlife studies, please contact me.
Where My Videos Have Been Broadcast

01. Main Cameras
Z Cam E2 and Blackmagic PCC 6K
02. Main Lens
Sigma 60-600mm, Sigma 12-24mm
03. Main Drone
DJI Mavic Pro 2 Hasselbad Lens
04. Main Tripod
Sachtler FSB8 and Flowtech Legs
I love to collaborate and make awesome content. Let’s talk!
Get In Touch
- 5100 W Trails End Rd., Tucson AZ 85745.
- +1 605 390-7398
Send Me a message
Nature and Wildlife Publications
Some documents can be downloaded by hovering over them and clicking; for others contact me and I might be able to help.
Bruggeman, J., and D. S. Licht. 2020. Drought-mediated changes in black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Mammalogy 101(4):1189-1204
Licht, D. S. submitted. Acoustic surveys of bats at Pipestone National Monument.
Licht, D. S., R. Moen, and M. Romanski. 2017. Modeling viability of a potential Canada Lynx reintroduction to Isle Royale National Park. Natural Areas Journal 37:170-177
Eads, D., D. Biggins, S. Grassel, T. Livieri, and D. Licht. 2014. Interactions among American badgers, black-footed ferrets, and prairie dogs in the grasslands of western North America. In Badgers of the World: Systematics, Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation, Editors: G. Proulx, E. Do Linh San
Gross, J. E., N. D. Halbert, J. N. Derr, K. Aune, J. Berger, B. T. Elkin, C. C. Gates, P. J. P. Gogan, D. Hunter, D. O. Jolly, D. J. Lammers, N. C. Larter, D. Licht, R. List, R. L. Paulson, J. Powers, R. O. Stephenson, J. Truett, R. Wallen, and M. Wild. 2010. Conservation guidelines for population, genetic, and disease management. Pages 85-101 in C. C. Gates, C. H. Freese, P. J. P. Gogan, and M. Kotzman, editors. American bison: status survey and conservation guidelines 2010. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland.
Licht, D. S., D. Roddy, and B. Muenchau. 2009. Reintroduction of the black-footed ferret to a small prairie dog complex. Page 99 in Carnivores 2009: Carnivore Conservation in a Changing World. Defenders of Wildlife, Washington D.C. 292pp.
Millspaugh, J. J., R. A. Gitzen, D. S. Licht, S. Amelon, T. W. Bonnot, D. T. Farrand-Jones, D. S. Jachowski, B. J. Keller, C. P. McGowan, M. S. Pruett, C. D. Rittenhouse, and K. M. Suedkamp Wells. 2008. Effects of culling on bison demographics in Midwestern National Parks. Natural Areas Journal 28(3):240-251.
Licht, D. S., and J. J. Millspaugh. 2006. Midwestern national parks use best available science to “mimic” natural conditions in bison and elk management. Natural Resource Year in Review-2005. National Park Service, Washington D.C. 55-56.
Sidle, J. G., G. L. Schenbeck, E. A. Lawton, D. S. Licht. 2006. Role of federal lands in the conservation of prairie dogs. Pages 218-231 in Conservation of the black-tailed prairie dog: saving North America’s western grasslands, J. L. Hoogland, ed. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 351pp.
Gauthier, D. A., and D. S. Licht. 2003. The socio-economic context for swift fox conservation in the prairies of North America. Pages 19-28 in The Swift Fox: Ecology and Conservation of Swift Foxes in a Changing World, M. A. Sovada and L. Carbyn, eds. Canadian Plains Research Center, Regina SK. 250pp.
Licht, D. S. 1997. The Vanished Wolves of the Great Plains. International Wolf 7(3):3-6.
Licht, D. S., and P. M. Mayer. 1995. Persistence and use of artificial prairie falcon aeries in North Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 23(3):532.
Licht, D.S. 1993. Return of the wolf. Western Outdoors January:30-33
Licht, D. S., D. G. McAuley, J. R. Longcore, and G. F. Sepik. 1989. An improved method to monitor nest attentiveness using radio-telemetry. Journal of Field Ornithology 60(2):251-258.
Licht, D. S. 1987. Movement of white-tailed deer in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas and responses to point attractants. M.S. Thesis. Texas A&M U., College Station TX. 122pp.
Daniel S. Licht. 2020. The Wind Cave Bison Herd: A Century of Success. Pronghorn Productions. 216pp.
Vequist, G., and D. S. Licht. 2013. Wildlife Watching in America’s National Parks: A Seasonal Guide. Texas A&M University Press, College Station TX. 244pp.
Gitzen, R., J. Millspaugh, A. B. Cooper, and D. S. Licht (eds.). 2012. Design and Analysis of Long-term Ecological Monitoring. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK. 590pp.
Licht, D. S. 1997. Ecology and Economics of the Great Plains. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln NE. 226pp.